Say "yes" to adventure with God. Join our YWAM DTS today.

Discover your calling on DTS. Start your YWAM application today.

What is a YWAM DTS?

Our YWAM DTS is about drawing close to Jesus for 5 months, with the expectation of encountering God, getting equipped for missions, and being sent to the nations.

As Youth With A Mission (YWAM), the core of our movement is to KNOW GOD and MAKE GOD KNOWN. Discipleship Training School (DTS) is an immersive course where students will gain understanding of God and His ways. Through knowing God firstly, our lives will be set up to make God known most effectively. DTS is an opportunity to say “yes” to these truths.

dts in toowoomba

Lecture Phase

Lecture phase is designed to champion students to KNOW GOD. The first 12 weeks of the course are what makes up the Lecture Phase. Each week is built around a specific lecture topic, where knowledgeable speakers are invited to share and teach from their experience with said topic. You will spend most of the lecture phase in the beautiful city of Toowoomba.

  • The Character & Nature of God

    The Father Heart of God

    Hearing God’s Voice


    The Lordship of Jesus

    Biblical Worldview

    Missions & Evangelism

    Holy Spirit and Spiritual Warfare

    Identity in Christ

lecture phase of DTS

Outside of the classroom, students will be attending The Prayer Room, community worship sessions, bible study, small groups, mentorship sessions, and fellowship over meals.

dts adventure on outreach

Outreach Phase

Going on outreach is the intentional response to what God does during lecture phase, by MAKING GOD KNOWN. Outreach is 8 weeks long and during the time you will be ministering in teams, sharing the truth of Jesus with others.

dts outreach phase
  • Visiting refugee families

    Leading worship at churches

    Helping run the Toowoomba Busking Festival

    Leading church services

    Sharing testimonies of God

    Doing practical work projects

    Doing street evangelism

    Going on prayer walks

    Serving with youth ministries

    Teaching English classes

    Partnering with established mercy ministries

    Ministering to the poor and needy

    Caring for children in need

Apply Here

Embarking on a YWAM Toowoomba DTS is a transformative adventure that ignites passion, fosters deep connections, and equips you to make a meaningful impact in the world.

Check out our DTS tracks below.

adventure dts aus

Adventure DTS

  • Travel the world, make new friends, and experience God in Australia. On the Adventure Track you will engage in God’s world, connect with God’s people, and ignite your heart for God’s mission. Find out more HERE.

worship dts toowoomba

Prayer + Worship DTS

  • Arts & Media are powerful propellers in our generation that we can use to engage in culture and spread the love of Jesus. On the Arts & Media Track you will learn to cultivate your skills and passions for the purposes of God’s Kingdom.

    Find out more info HERE.

  • The Music + Worship Track will inspire, champion, and equip you to build God’s Kingdom through music. Whether you feel called to minister to the heart of God through worship, or you feel called to minister to others by sharing your music with the world, this DTS will provide you with a foundation on which to build a life with eternal significance.

    Learn more HERE.

  • The Prayer + Presence Track is for you if you long to dig deep in your relationship with God. This track will be focused around spending time in God’s presence, establishing greater foundations of intimacy with Him, and being fuelled into the nations from that heart posture.

    Find out more HERE.

  • The Working With Refugees Track is focused around gaining God’s heart for those who have experienced trauma and hardship due to injustice, and partnering with Him to display mercy and love to all people. If you have a passion to reach those who need to encounter the compassion of God and the life-giving message of Jesus, this track is for you.

    Learn more HERE.


Jan 31, 2025 - June 20, 2025

July 25, 2025 - Dec 12, 2025

Sept 5, 2025 - Jan 23, 2025

Jan 30, 2026 - June 19, 2026


Lecture Phase - $4850 AUD

Includes room, board, and meals.

Outreach Phase - $4500 AUD

Prices are subject to airfare.

What will you say “Yes” to today?


  • You can find the first segment of our YWAM DTS application here on the “Apply Now” page. It only takes a couple of minutes to fill out! Once you fill out the form on the “Apply Now” page, our team will send through the full application.

  • What opportunities come after completing a Youth With A Mission DTS?

    There are many YWAM schools you can do after completing your DTS. Most YWAM bases and YWAM locations have second-level school options after DTS.

    Here at YWAM Toowoomba our second level schools include: the School of Worship & Prayer, the Ministry Development School, and the Leadership Development School.

    *Completing any of our schools can get you credits toward a degree with the University of the Nations.

  • How much does DTS cost?

    All of our DTS’s are $4850 AUD for Lecture Phase, and $4500 AUD for Outreach Phase.

    The Lecture Phase fee covers tuition, housing, and food.

    The Outreach Phase fee covers travel expenses, accomodation, and food. The fee for the Outreach Phase of DTS is subject to the price of airfare.

  • If you have additional questions about Youth With A Mission, or DTS, feel free to reach out to our team. They are eager to respond to any emails and are happy to call you over Zoom.

    Find contact info on our “contact us” page or email us at

  • On DTS you will be staying on our YWAM campus here in beautiful Toowoomba, Australia. Our campus has grassy areas, nice community living spaces, lecture rooms, offices, a dining hall and kitchen for fellowship over meals, and accomodation for students and volunteers. Our campus has some of the best views in the region and is nestled up next to amazing nature!

  • Who is a YWAM DTS for?

    Our Discipleship Training School is open to ANYONE! Especially those who are looking to grow with God, meet new friends, travel the world, and learn about missionary work! If you are wanting to pursue your purpose, adventure with God, or have an experience of a lifetime, DTS is for you!

    DTS is also a great way to spend your gap year! If you have 6 months after school that you want to spend abroad, come join our YWAM DTS! You will not only connect with new people, but you will engage with God’s world and grow your heart for missions.

    How old do you have to be to do a DTS?

    We accept students who are at least 18 years of age or older. In rare circumstances we accept 17-year-olds who have parental consent.

  • Visa’s are required for most students who come from overseas. Email to get the details of the visa you will need.