prayer + presence track

The Prayer + Presence Track is for you if you long to dig deep in your relationship with God. This Track will be focused around spending time in God’s presence, establishing greater foundations of intimacy with Him, and being fuelled into the nations from that heart posture.

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The Prayer & Presence Track is for those who want to dig deep into their relationship with God. This track will be focused around spending time in God’s presence, establishing greater foundations of intimacy with Him, and being fuelled to go to the nations.

The Prayer & Presence Track is open to anyone.

This track is right for you if you:

  • Want to know how to have a sustainable relationship with God

  • Want to build deep friendships

  • Want to be effective in ministry

  • Want direction for what God is calling you to

  • Want to be a part of missions

What will you say “Yes” to today?